Frank Pepe's Pizza - New Haven, Connecticut
Pin Stops Ranking: 4 Pins

I have to say that Frank's exceeded my expectations. I'm actually biased as I really love NY-style pizza over all others (still do). I walked into this place thinking there's no way pizza from Connecticut would even compare - but I admit this was pretty darn good. If I was in the area again, I definitely would have to consider stopping here again to eat.
Brooklyn Bridge - New York, New York
Pin Stops Ranking: 3 Pins
For daily exercise or nice views of the city, the Brooklyn Bridge was pretty cool. I recommend taking your time crossing this bridge and really soaking in the scenery. I'm sure many people take this walk for granted but if I lived in Brooklyn and worked in Manhattan, this would be a great walk to commute everyday - except in November thru March. ;)
Giant Free Stamp - Cleveland, Ohio
Pin Stops Ranking: 1 Pin
Let's face it - it's kind of interesting to see, but it's just a landmark in a lonely park of downtown Cleveland. On it's own, you can't justify driving out to see it, but when combined with the Rock Hall or other places around town, it's a quick "Pinstop" to check it out in person. This giant stamp is really only for the diehard Pinstopper who just has to see everything.
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - Cleveland, Ohio
Pin Stops Ranking: 4 Pins
One of the more unique museums around - and definitely for the music lover. There are several other Hall of Fames in the area, but this place (along with the Pro Football Hall of Fame) are clearly the biggest and best. The building architecture is very unique, and the inside is filled with hours of reading, films, music and memorabilia. You can easily spend all day here enjoying remnants of your favorite artists from several music eras.
So what do you think? If you've been to these places, do you agree with my rankings? Let me know in the comments below. As always, thanks for reading!
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